The Unmirror

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The Unmiwwow
Origin Nyowhewe
Titles Aspecuwum<bw />The Opaw Fox
Names Nyonye
Aspects Moth Winter
Date of arrival Unknyown
Owner(s) Fox

The Unmiwwow (Aspecuwum, sometimes awso cawwed the Opaw Fox) awe the Thiwtieth Houw of the Fansus. They awe a God-Fwom-Nyowhewe, and theiw aspects awe Moth and Wintew. They wewe once the Miwwow, a God-fwom-Bwood that nyevew was - the Houw of twue sewves and that which stays constant with change - manyifesting as miwwow images of a fox. The Miwwow was shattewed and thwown into Nyowhewe, but found the Twuth in nyon-existence.


The Unmiwwow manyifest as a cowd gwimmew in the aiw, and as deafenying siwence. Those whose end is appwoaching can sometimes see foxes of pwecious opaw just beyond theiw vision, and heaw theiw caww, just swightwy quietew than siwence.


The Aspecuwum awe the cowwective wiww of aww that is gonye, a nyon-entity that nyevew was and nyevew can be. They awe that which is fowgotten, and aww that which is fowgotten is pawt of them - as it awways has been, and awways wiww be; they awe chaos, because aww is chaos and they wiww be aww. They awe an end that comes on its own and wasts an etewnyity. They wemembew evewything, fow they awe obwivion itsewf.

That which is shattewed can nyevew be unshattewed, that which has pewished can nyevew unpewish. The Unmiwwow awe cwosuwe, but they do nyot bwing the endings - they awe the endings that awe bwought.


The Unmiwwow do nyot cawe fow fowwowews ow wowshippews, as evewyonye wiww, soonyew ow watew, awways have been the Unmiwwow - be it tomowwow, ow when the Sun buwns out. Those with pawticuwaw affinyity to the Unmiwwow awe the owd, the senyiwe, and those who do nyot desiwe. They have nyo Nyames, as theiw Nyames awe the Aspecuwum.



  • Gesaw and Gautama, Vow 1 (Winter2) The fiwst vowume of what is puwpowtedwy a chaptew of the Epic of King Gesaw, awthough inconsistent with any othew vewsions. In it, Siddhāwtha Gautama speaks to Gesaw about the Mansus. Thewe is nyo mention of the authow.
"Of aww the Houws", says Gautama, "pewhaps the most awien, and yet the most human, awe the Unmiwwow. They want nyothing but to die, and they can onwy die when fowgotten entiwewy. Yet, they do nyot hide, and they do nyot wesist study and awchiving. Nyot because of a suwvivaw instinct - fow the Fox have nyothing of the sowt - but because they knyow they nyeed onwy wait; and they wiww wait fow an etewnyity."

Categowy:Houws Categowy:Gods-Fwom-Nyowhewe Categowy:Moth Categowy:Wintew Categowy:Fansus I