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The Millions-Upon-Millions

Revision as of 01:56, 22 November 2018 by ThreeInquisitors (talk | contribs)

The Millions-Upon-Millions (The Many-Legged Worm, The Omnipede, formerly known as The Cycle) is the Twenty-First Hour of the Fansus, created by Will. Its aspects are Heart, Winter, and Grail. The Omnipede presides over life, death and rebirth; reincarnation and decomposition. It is nature embodied in a swarm of insects; consuming the Dead so that the living may thrive in their place. It is the Cycle that will not, will not, will not end.

The Millions-Upon-Millions
"We call upon the Millions-Upon-Millions, who feasted upon its own remains."
Origin Stone
Titles The Millions-Upon-Millions
The Many-Legged Worm
The Omnipede
Names Unas, the Gatekeeper
Nito, the Mother of Lions
Aspects Heart Winter Grail
Date of arrival Always And Never
Owner(s) Will

Its Tarot card is The World.




Once there were the Gods-from-Stone. When they were slain, so too was the Millions-Upon-Millions. But as long as there is life, the Cycle continues anew. The Millions-Upon-Millions feasted on itself, and gave birth to itself. Thus it escaped Nowhere, and found itself trapped in a prison.


True to its name, the Millions-Upon-Millions manifests as an unending swarm of scavengers, blanketing the floor of the Wood. It might also appear as a great millipede, its legs beyond counting or reason.


Grail, for blood and birth. Winter, for death and ultimate endings. Heart, so that the Cycle may never cease. The Many-Legged Worm stands alongside the Solemn and Abbess Sunset as an Hour associated with the Dead. The Millions-Upon-Millions takes the body, the Sun-Eyed Maiden the Soul, and at last the Gravedigger preserves the memories left behind.



To those aware only of the Millions-Upon-Millions's nature as a god of death, the myriad of cults devoted to it must seem strange indeed. They are for the most part cheerful places, with little of the grim solemnity often associated with chthonic cults. But the Many-Legged Worm is also a god of life and rebirth, and so its worshipers do not fear dying and do not overly mourn the departed.

Common rites include eating the dead, whether literally or symbolically; and self-cannibalism, also sometimes in symbol only.


  1. Temptation: X:
  2. Dedication: X:
  3. Ascension: X:
  4. Ascension: X:
  5. Ascension: X:
  6. Ascension: X:


Unas, the Gatekeeper

Those who wish to enter the dominion of the Many-Legged Worm must first pass Unas. Once a mighty king, he codified funerary rites and earned the favour of the Cycle. Now he is the implacable guardian of the Dead. Unas is Knock and Winter.

Nito, the Mother of Lions

The living may be able to defend themselves, and Abbess Sunset and Unas guard the Dead. But who defends those yet to be born? Nito is their protector. The sister of Unas and Queen in her own right, she earned the Cycle's favour with her mastery of life and birth. Nito is Heart and Edge.


The Fansus

The Forest of Stones

The Millions-upon-Millions makes its home on the forest floor. While it never quite recovered from the Wassail, it still rules over the Forest of Stones, a place of crumbling tombs, moss-covered graves, and endless, unceasing life. This is the land of the living and the dead.

All save a few are welcome there. The air is cool and damp, and no wind blows. In the shadows of great trees fed with blood and bone one may find peace for a time. The entire forest thrums with protective enchantment, and some areas take this to an extreme: layered with wards against everything from bad luck to the piercing gaze of the great Eye, these are strongpoints, bastions, and hideaways. The Skinner-Box, the Remnants, the Names of the Eye, any touched by the Blight-Abiding, and a particularly foolish occultist are forbidden from entering the forest.

The Ossuary

A prison within a prison. Guarded with the strongest wards and deadliest curses the Omnipede could create, the Ossuary is where those it judges to have zero worth or redeeming qualities are sealed away. Even the Gravedigger is forbidden from entering here, and those that do not heed the warnings carved into its walls will soon learn to regret it.

The Histories













About the Wassail

How They Feel

Who They Blame

What They Hide
