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Followers (Vol. II)

Revision as of 15:46, 26 November 2018 by Cospinol (talk | contribs) (Acton (Cospinol))



Skye (Lyrositor)

Acquaintance Skye knows no problem lies beyond her ability when her mind is set on it, but wearies of mundane puzzles.
Believer Skye refuses the world's easy answers. She cultivates her mind as a farmer tills his field.
Disciple Skye has begun to smile more. Perhaps because of what she has learned; more likely because of what she has yet to learn.
Ophede Few things lie beyond Skye's grasp now, but those few that do are what she lives for.
Troublemaker Skye is fond of answering simple solutions with complex problems.
Prisoner Skye has bet she can break her chains faster than we can repair them. Let us hope we can keep pace.

Name (Owner)

Troublemaker -
Acquaintance -
Follower -
Disciple -
Ophede -
Prisoner -


Name (Owner)

Troublemaker -
Acquaintance -
Follower -
Disciple -
Ophede -
Prisoner -


Name (Owner)

Troublemaker -
Acquaintance -
Follower -
Disciple -
Ophede -
Prisoner -


Name (Owner)

Troublemaker -
Acquaintance -
Follower -
Disciple -
Ophede -
Prisoner -


Name (Owner)

Troublemaker -
Acquaintance -
Follower -
Disciple -
Ophede -
Prisoner -


Claudia (Eliseofnohr)

Troublemaker - Even if you know everything about her, it is hard to bring yourself to attach it to someone as sweet and delicate as Claudia.
Acquaintance - Claudia is a frail young lady with an enchanting smile and an interest in old mysteries.
Follower - Claudia's speech always seems to be to a tune that is not quite known, though her coughs sometimes interrupt it.
Disciple - Claudia's words are like honey, her smile like sunlight. One must focus very, very hard to not simply agree and go along with everything she says.
Nrityian- As Claudia's body grows frailer, the pulse of her spirit grows stronger and stronger yet, undeniable. Even if she cannot walk, she can still dance.
Prisoner - Claudia looks very small and pathetic, but there is a vicious hate in her eyes.

Name (Owner)

Troublemaker -
Acquaintance -
Follower -
Disciple -
Ophede -
Prisoner -


Name (Owner)

Troublemaker -
Acquaintance -
Follower -
Disciple -
Ophede -
Prisoner -


Name (Owner)

Troublemaker -
Acquaintance -
Follower -
Disciple -
Ophede -
Prisoner -

Acton (Cospinol)

Acquaintance Acton had found work in his body. He would now know of his mind.
Believer Acton fears passion burns a body, but warmth now reaches the lengths of his mind.
Disciple Acton speaks plainly of his body, but orates with measure his new beliefs on a pyre soul.
Ophede Acton knows his mind, the world strains greedily to the same.
Troublemaker Acton's plans move like veins of lava beneath a bubbling inferno we have yet found.
Prisoner Acton is not to see men speak, only to hear their voices. No more will his rages replace men.

Secret Histories

Name (Owner)

Troublemaker -
Acquaintance -
Follower -
Disciple -
Ophede -
Prisoner -