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The Chimaera

Revision as of 04:51, 12 June 2019 by Stone (talk | contribs) (Yamata-No_Orochi)

Chimaera was born in the very moment the twin worlds collided. It is everything humanity lost that day, and everything they have made since.

The Chimaera
"What can the harvest hope for, if not for the care of the Reaper Man."
Origin Melding
Titles The Shattered Tongue
Names The Orochi
Aspects Secret Histories Forge Heart
Date of arrival Year 0, Month 0, Day 0, Hour 0, Minute 0, Second 0.
Owner(s) User:Stone




Chimaera was born from two hours, pressed together into one at the point of collision. These were the Hydra and the Silvered Reaper, and although nothing of them is remembered, the Hydra is pitied and the Reaper hated.


The Chimaera appears as a shifting amalgam of contorted creatures and shapes, swirling through the faces of lost kings and mythical monsters. The only time when it stays stable is during the shaping of histories, then it takes the form of a hydra with endless heads, stretching through and around wefts and fragile places in history, each head wearing a different, silver mask.


It is the hour of lost cultures, and the new ones born from their ashes. The Chimaera was once two hours, the first a warden of the mortal world, nurturing and feeding beatific timelines, the other a pruner of histories infested with unfavourable branches.







“Please… No more. No more. Help us.”
Aspects:  12,  12; Devourer (low chance)
Temptations:  10,  2,  4

Summon the Eight-Headed Serpent:

  The Dragon that serves the Chimaera, more stable than its master, but in constant agony. It has always served, since from before this blighted era, although not in this form. Forge will call it forth with memories of reshaping, and Heart will prevent it from losing its mind with the pain.
  Eight heads writhe on their branched necks. One is smooth and featureless, an oval of scales and whiskers, neither eyes nor nose nor mouth. One has no lower jaw, and scrapes the ground with the upper set of teeth. Next to it lashes an inverse tragedy, a protruding lower jaw with a mere nub of a cranium attached to it. Saprolegnia covers most of the far right head, but unmercifully shows how the jaws bifurcate, as though trying to form yet another skull. A thousand thousand teeth have grown outwards from the far left, pointing every which way, skewering lips and whiskers and who knows what else. Another has whiskers that grew inwards, that now curl out from its empty eye sockets and nasal cavities. For the seventh, patches of green saprolegnia, a toothless mouth and a many-branched tongue peek out. The only functional head hangs limply in the middle, blood-red eyes peeking out from pearlescent white skin.


The Mansus

The Histories




  • Aduration of Coupling 8:

In the raging torrent of the end, two little fish met, and dreamt of becoming a dragon.





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