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The Caladrius

Revision as of 15:42, 29 June 2018 by (talk)

The Caladrius, created by t3isukone, is the Second Hour of the Fansus. Their aspects are Heart and Lantern in decreasing order of importance.

Origin Light
Titles The Good Doctor
Names none
Date of arrival Unknown
Owner(s) FNORD

The Caladrius is a being of the Glory and one that fundamentally does not understand life as a creature on the world outsides its skin. It carries a great interest in that life, however, and cares for it deeply. It is a creature with one purpose above all-to safeguard life, whatever that entails. Most creatures touched by its power do not come out as they were, but they are certainly cured.

Its tarot card is The High Priestess.



The Caladrius appears mostly as a painfully thin man or woman-it takes both forms, and is often depicted in both bodies at once joined at the neck-in loose robes with the head of a crane.


Healing above all and the continuation of life with it. A limb may be amputated-in fact, many limbs may be amputated-but a patient must be always prevented from passing away. The Caladrius smiles upon advancements in medicine, and for all the atrocities they commit, many of the most influential doctors in a given era may well be worshippers of it. The Caladrius does truly love what lives, though it’s attempts at aid often hurt more than they heal-it will do nothing that it considers to be harm.


It is common for followers of the Caladrius to garb themselves as plague doctors. They are worshipped by scientists, doctors, altruists, animal activists, environmentalists, and thanatophobes.




The Cured: Principles: Heart 6, Edge 6
Temptation: Heart 4, Winter 2, Knock 2
Rebellion: Devourer
Summoning Text: Summon one of the lesser servants of the Caladrius: The Caladrius gives its charity freely, and some take it. This is one of its rank and file-it will come to Heart for its new life, Winter for its old.
Summoned Text: And here it is-naked, with no mouth or any features besides what is necessary to life, and yet bursting with vim and vigor, with muscles like boulders.
Description Text: The Cured is a docile creature, if not ordered. When left alone, it tends to organize my headquarters. It does laundry surprisingly well.


The Fansus

The Great Lake-a deep, wide lake with opalescent water beyond the white door, brimming with strange creatures created through the Caladrius's experiments-plants and animals that can be found nowhere outside the House and some of the stranger Histories. On a swampy island in the center, the Caladrius dwells in a hospital-laboratory.

In my dreams tonight, I walked past the White Door into the deep, peaceful lake. There are marshlands surrounding it, rife with alien life, and in those I saw a white-robed servant of the Caladrius, in a bird-mask of leather, surrounded by those Dead that feel that rebirth in servitude is preferable to their condition. They gathered around them like mist, desperate, and they touched each one with their gloved hands, making them into the Cured that serve the Caladrius and its Names for menial tasks. The newly-Cured did not weep, for their eyes had no means to produce tears.

Gives: A Chilly Atmosphere

This time in the swampy wilds around the great lake behind the White Door, I saw the creatures the Caladrius makes, trying to create animals and plants that can understand the miracle of life. There were creatures that ate meat that grew in great tumors on their paws that they then chewed off, creatures covered in barbed armor, creatures who looked like plants and absorbed the blue light of the Mansus but walked on two legs. When I felt a nearby vine's brambles starting to push under my skin of their own accord, I decided to retreat. Gives: A Rattling In The Soul

The Histories

The Caladrius often tries to interfere with the Histories, but any direct interference tends to be catastrophic.






The Grateful Crane-An unusual version of the folktale, in which a poor man living with his ailing parents finds an injured crane and nurses it back to health. The next day, he meets a hooded woman who offers to help him.
Start Text: The woman gifts the man and his family with three fine robes before she vanishes and tells them that they are magic and they must not sell them. The years go on, and his parents become sicker and sicker.
End Text: The man’s parents are a hundred years old and in misery. He has no idea what to do, and finally turns to the robes in desperation. Nothing comes of it until he tears at one of the robes in frustration. It and both others turn from fine silk to hundreds of crane feathers, and the man and his family drop dead on the spot.
Gives: A Waking Chant

