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Death-of-Self is the selfless sacrifice, the proelium of a wage slave, the war of a loving patriot, the fight against the death of another.

"We call upon A Parent's Joy, to work and to wither so that our children won’t"
Origin From its ruling desire itself, the wish of parents and guardians all over the Histories.
Titles Ego Death, Bás Féin, Selflessness, A Parent's Joy
Names The Eternal Guardian, A Father in War, The Wage and the Joy
Aspects Heart Edge Forge
Date of arrival When the battles against the hours raged, once The Wall was breached
Owner(s) The Wolf in Half



The Ego Death is the manifestation of the selfless struggle in face of great peril, to nobly sacrifice oneself in pursuit of a noble cause, to love unconditionally another, be it bloodbound or otherwise. It has been raised from those same sentiments inside humanity, be they Long or mortal, but still not unlike it's brethren, an Hour with their own motivations.


Death-of-Self manifested right after The Priest's demise, his noble sacrifice, as well as the overall sentiment experienced by humanity throughout The Histories spurred it into The Mansus.


Its face and body are void of any gendered features, more akin to a mannequin than a person. Its skin is white but scarred and bruised all over, tainted with the blood of others and its own, 


Unconditional love, hence heart, self-sacrifice, hence edge, pride of humanity, country, nation, culture or family and strenght of will, hence forge.


Death-of-Self is worshipped by those who search a higher purpose, and mainly by those who want to protect something else but themselves.

Cult: Ego Proelium Sum

A cult that focuses on the fullfillment of a higher purpose, the protection of those they love the most, and to the defence of humanity as a whole.


  1. Temptation: A Love of Another: I've loved many before, but not like this, not this intensily.
  2. Dedication: An Overwhelming Selflessness: I can love more than one, but to a few I will dedicate body and mind to keep them safe, no harm will come to them.
  3. Ascension: Ego Death: My body is bruised and scars adorn it, I wage daily not for my sake, but theirs.
  4. Ascension: Ego Death: My hands bled today, they will bleed further, until I do what has to be done, for their sake.
  5. Ascension: Ego Death: My body is crushed under the weight of my responsibility, but my heart goes on, on until I'm dead, but not until they're safe.
  6. Ascension: My Body Broken: But my soul isn't, and theirs is sane, no scars adorn their flesh, at least none I couldn't take myself.
  7. I Will Keep Them Safe: My body is more resilient than it once was, but just as scarred and just as frequently bruised, Bás Féin gave me its stregth, I will put it into good use. They will always be safe.





The Guardian

The Guardian
'Some don't want to die, this one will die for anyone they think needs protecting. But it knows no death.'
Summon one of Ego Death's Guardians
The Guardian will come, we simply need to prove ourselves as worthy of pity, or love, or protection.
He will protect us, or he will die trying.


The Mansus




The Histories




The Restless Sword
A Guardian's sword, found purpose even after its user's death.


Blood of Selflessness
Blood this red comes only from a pure heart.


The Guardian Restless
This is an ancient book, but you will find it easily, if you really need it. It was written by Hoel Grann somewhere around the 20th century, and details all the reasons one should devote oneself to others.
Read "The Guardian Restless"
"To love oneself is easy, but to love another is harder, to accept their failures and still adore them to the core of your being. Dying for them, an even harder task".
The words of this text spur you onward, the smile in your face will linger for weeks.




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  • The Template is actually the second coming of Big Clive and your life is a lie.
  • It also never liked cookies.
  • And it writes steamy fanfics.

* True Form