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The Architeuthian

241 bytes added, 14:46, 23 July 2018
=== Rites ===
* '''Rite of the Everlasting:''' The Architeuthian ensures that which is strong may evolve, and culls the weak. Perhaps this follower (or adversary) was strong, and deserved to live. We leave that to the Architeuthian's judgement. Requires a corpse, Architeuthian lore, and Architeuthian influence. May transform a corpse into Drowned Dead. If it fails, all that is consumed is a corpse and influence. (Architeuthian can be merciful, sometimes.)
* '''Rite of the Third Eye:''' People all across the world have referred to the power of a ‘third eye’, one that pierces the veil and sees into the world beyond. The Architeuthian is willing to grant you this knowledge, but you must prove yourself worthy. Consumes Health and Ingredients, and gives high level Lore or Influences. Minor: 5 Lantern, 1 Forge, gives a 2nd order influence on fail, 6th order on success. Major: 10 Lantern, 1 Forge, gives 6th order on fail, 10th order on success. Grand: 15 Lantern, 1 Forge, gives a 10th order on fail, 15th order on success.
== Relationships ==