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The Architeuthian

660 bytes added, 16:16, 23 July 2018
The Histories
=== The Histories ===
* '''The Valley of Teeth (from SH 10):''' What may seem an insignificant mountain pass in the Rending Mountains is actually a holy place of those who venerate The Architeuthian. Here, an ill fated group of settlers fell victim to an avalanche, and some, to starvation. Those that did not starve rose stronger, but with mightier appetites. Hazards: [[Impossible_Terrain|Impossible Terrain]], [[Ten_Million_Miles_of_Rock#Expeditions|Ten Million Miles of Rock]], [[Endless_Fields|Endless Fields]]. Beginning an expedition: The terrain surrounding this area is more dangerous than any sort of guardian, protector, or ward. We must move carefully and quickly. Ruined remains: There, a scrap of rotting wood! This must be the remnants of their carts. Get the shovels, light a campfire, and start digging. Reward: A journal and a small lockbox, treasures the settlers were carrying with them. Perhaps they were cursed for having this. Hopefully we won't. Gives Between the Mountains book. * '''The Egyptian Port (from SH 8):''' There exists a vibrant History in which this library was not burnt, and ushered humanity into a golden age. In our History, it remains a ruin, but The Architeuthian favors those who seek knowledge from within its hallowed remnants. Knowledge dwells within these halls, barely. Hazards: [[The Menace of Nonexistence]], [[Glass-Light Curse]]. Beginning an expedition: This crumbling shell has been picked over many times by archaeologists, but still has treasures for those with the occult talents to find them. Remember that this is but a ruin, and beware curses. Knowledge's Fall: We remember who we are, and that we are in the rubble and have not slipped between history’s cracks. The curse trembles before our power. We have made it to what remains of the library’s tallest spire. Reward:Our search is laborious, under this hot desert sun, but we have found treasures beneath these broken bricks.
* '''Wreck of the ____ (from SH 14):''' This shipwreck lightly lies upon the beach of this vibrant island. The locals say that it was wrecked due to the sailors not paying homage to a local god. Their tale holds a seed of truth, The Architeuthian could not allow the soldiers being transported to reach its destination, and with the assistance of the Anaconda, a plague fell upon them. That was in another history, but this is a reflection of it. He leaves the wreck as a test for his faithful, and those who succeed may keep the treasures within, along with the lessons learned along the way.
* '''Temple of the Deep (from SH 6, repeatable):''' An ancient stone temple, residing on a faraway island. Since ancient times, locals have made prayers and sacrifices to a certain Squid god. As far as you know, The Architeuthian has never shown any interest in them, or even acknowledged their existence. But they do not know that, and treasures continue to pile high on the altar.