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The First City

755 bytes added, 18:58, 4 August 2018
The Twenty Minsters
* [[The Cuckoo]] is represented by the Skin-Tailor, a massive humanoid insect. In his mortal life, he was a charlatan and social climber that enjoyed leeching off the fame and status of others. The Tailor continues this trend by being at the foreground of the city's fashion and fine dining crowds. He's also a honest, upstanding investor who has aided in the startup of numerous businesses around the First City. Pay no mind to the fact most of those businesses were eventually revealed to be scams. No one can prove he was in any way aware of that fact. No one alive, that is.
* [[The Engine of Cycles]] is represented by the Mark 2 Version of the Humanoid Interaction Module. The Engine is change, improvement and upgrade, and not even it is exempt from its own power. One day, it hopes this will be part of it. For now, this vat-grown cyborg represents the Engine in Shesha. When it came, it was awkward, functioning as a stereotypical robot in social interactions, but its nature built into it by its creator and the thing it would replace was to grow and learn. Now, it smiles, and it thinks, and it schemes and it plots and it speaks with so charming a tongue! Surely something like this would never be an appendage of something hostile
* FNORB[[The Architeuthian]] is represented by Father Douglas, a being not quite mortal, but not quite Long. It is believed that the Squid shaped him specifically for this purpose. While many know the Squid for his ruthlessness and intolerance of treachery, Father Douglas strives to teach others of the benevolence and glory of the Dweller in the Depths. He preaches of the immense catalogs of knowledge within the Aquarium, of the lessons taught to those dedicated to Him, of the beautiful changes He can bring. While the Hours and their servants are forbidden from warring with each other in the First City, Father Douglas's mass sermons serve a similar purpose, attempting to build an 'army' of sorts in service of the Architeuthian within the First City itself.
* FNORP, FNORE's brother
* FNORT, FNORD's cousin twice removed