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The Millions-Upon-Millions

324 bytes added, 22:54, 15 November 2018
Servants: Nito, the Mother of Lions, the protector of the living and Name of the Omnipede
====Unas, the Gatekeeper====
Those who wish to enter the dominion of the Many-Legged Worm must first pass Unas. Once a mighty king, he codified funerary rites and earned the favour of the Cycle. Now he is the implacable guardian of the Dead. Unas is Knock and Winter.====Nito, the Mother of Lions====The living may be able to defend themselves, and Abbess Sunset and Unas guard the Dead. But who defends those yet to be born? Nito is their protector. The sister of Unas and Queen in her own right, she earned the Cycle's favour with her mastery of life and birth. Nito is Heart and Edge.