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Followers (Vol. III)

793 bytes added, 11:44, 22 August 2019
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== Knock ==
=== NameImma([[User:OwnerAnaconda With Sword|OwnerAnaconda With Sword]]) ===
| '''Acquaintance''' || Imma shows up uninvited, but causes no harm beyond arranging the library upside-down and by color.
| '''Believer''' || Books are no longer merely toys to Imma, but she still isn't convinced that they should be arranged by author.
| '''Disciple''' || Strange words drop constantly from Imma's lips. Sometimes what falls is stranger than mere words.
| '''Exalt''' || Imma prefers closed doors to open ones. She claims that it's more fun that way.
| '''Troublemaker''' || Imma has an impish, playful demeanor, and a knack for getting where she isn't supposed to be.
| '''Prisoner''' || We send her meals through a slot, now. Sometimes we can hear her swinging her legs in the chair.
=== 'Lady' Felix ([[User:Wedidthetimewarpagain|Wedidthetimewarpagain]]) ===
| '''Acquaintance:''' ||While her actual connections to the nobility are dubious, Felix can enthrall a room with strange tales of her exploits abroad.||
| '''Believer:''' ||Felix has learned that the story she leaves out is just as important as the story she does tell. ||
| '''Disciple:''' ||Felix always knows much more than she lets on, but her silence is just as enthralling as ever. ||
| '''Exalt:''' ||They say that three can keep a secret, if two of them are Felix. ''(NB: Drop the 'Lady', just like with 'Pope' Clifton :( ) || ''
| '''Troublemaker:''' ||Felix resists interpretations, and cannot be reduced to simplicities. She evades all attempts to understand. ||
| '''Prisoner:''' ||We lock the door and shine a light, imprisoning her shadow as much as her self. ||
== Lantern ==
=== NameMrs. Sayer (WIP) ([[User:OwnerErised|OwnerErised]]) ===
| '''Acquaintance''' ||
=== Horatio ([[User:Cospinol|Cospinol]]) ===
| '''Acquaintance:''' || Unmarred hands of jet, they dance with knives never having payed. His back a ledger of dues.
| '''Believer:''' || Horatio has seen bodies, he has not seen men beyond his mirror.
| '''Disciple:''' || Horatio has decided he has no back, only they.
| '''Exalt:''' || Horatio’s words are of his world ahead, never of their world behind.
| '''Troublemaker:''' || Horatio’s plans are never written for eyes, but felt by vanishing souls.
| '''Prisoner:''' || Horatio is to be brought his sedatives at breakfast and dinner. The guards do not sleep without them.
=== Bella([[User:Maltramac|Maltramac]]) ===
| '''Acquaintance:''' ||Bella is a pale-skinned socialite with a vacant stare, always surrounded by a strong smell of perfume. It is only when you speak of the hidden world that life sparks in her eyes. ||
| '''Believer:''' ||Bella moves stiffly and speaks very little. The smell of perfume is the surest sign of her presence. ||
| '''Disciple:''' ||Bella rarely blinks, and follows orders without a word. Her skin is cold to the touch. ||
| '''Exalt:''' ||The sound of your voice always brings her back to us, but each time, less of her returns. She has ceased to use perfume. ||
| '''Troublemaker:''' ||Bella has fallen in love with death. ||
| '''Prisoner:''' ||We do not need to lock the door. Bella is silent and motionless now, but the smell is getting worse. ||
=== Mara ([[User:Wedidthetimewarpagain|Wedidthetimewarpagain]]) ===
| '''Acquaintance:''' ||An archaeologist at a local but prestigious university. Her hands are rough with the dirt of ancient civilizations, and she is meticulous in her work. ||
| '''Believer:''' ||Mara's eyes shine with possibilities. "Yes, I think that might be possible." ||
| '''Disciple:''' ||Very little stands in Mara's way for very long - and if it does, it usually regrets it. ||
| '''Hammer:''' ||Walls crumble before her. ||
| '''Troublemaker:''' ||Mara cares little for rules she did not make.||
| '''Prisoner:''' ||The door is double - no, triple-bolted; and yet we still keep someone on watch at all times. ||