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The Millions-Upon-Millions

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# '''Ascension: Renewal''': Some days I am afflicted with exhaustion; others I hardly need to sleep. My hungers rise and fall like the sun. I know this to be the Fourth Mark.
# '''Ascension: Renewal''': I am sallow and pale now, and my breaths slow and shallow. When I sleep, I might be mistaken for a corpse. This is the Fifth Mark.
# '''Ascension: Renewal''': My heartbeats are sluggish. My blood runs thick, and oozes oozing out when I am cut. I feel as though I am on my deathbed. I pray that this is the Sixth Mark.# '''The Last Supper, The First Feast''': I live, I die, I live again! I have taken my final breaths, and at last my soul made its way to the Forest of Stones and to the Millions-upon-Millions. In its mercy I have been gifted a new body: my skin shall be as a beetle's carapace, my eyes multifaceted, my body flexible and my limbs segmented. I will die eventually. But my spirit will not forget who it was and I will once again be reborn. I shall never cease. I will walk the world in service to the Great Worm. Perhaps once day I will rebel. Perhaps I will rise even higher.