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Followers (Vol. II)

973 bytes added, 03:54, 26 February 2019
Added Alex
'''Heretic''' - Antoine speaks of stars like another might talk about their lovers. What secrets do they whisper to him?</br>
'''Prisoner''' - Antoine watches the play of shadows on the wall. He maintains he has always been trapped like this.</br>
=== Alex ([[User:A Blessed Feline|A Blessed Feline]]) ===
| '''Acquaintance''' || Alex used to be a gambler and a reader of cards, until the cards begun to make too much sense
| '''Believer''' || Alex spends most nights at his writing desk, where he has arranged his old cards into neat piles and rows. The cards aren't real, he insists, and neither are the things they represent. But nonetheless, he claims they help him understand the world.
| '''Disciple''' || Alex rarely speaks anymore, preferring to quote short phrases from his cards. Sometimes, he hums along to music only he can hear.
| '''alex_d''' || "FNORD"
| '''Troublemaker''' || It's all a game to Alex, the files say. They say other things too, but none of those things are relevant.
| '''Prisoner''' || "So this is how it ends?" He asks you when the jail call slams shut. "Is that all I am to you, another insignificant pawn in another one of your little games?"
== Edge ==