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The Fansus β


The Unfettered

248 bytes added, 15:17, 7 March 2019
The Unfettered takes on many humanlike guises, lacking a single preferred appearance. However, she always appears as a woman, usually wearing an outfit that indicates belonging to a typically male profession or defies cultural gender roles in other ways. Her apparent age likewise never matches what could be reasonably expected, such as a gray-haired and wizened construction worker or a preteen military officer.
FNORD FNORD FNORD second paragraph about postapocalyptic fashion choices goes hereOn occasion, the Unfettered also takes the shape of a phoenix or firebird, most often when her patience wears thin and her temper flares, or when she wishes to roam the ruins of the Mansus freely.The Hour's method of transformation is a spontaneous combustion of her current body, followed by her new shape rising from the ashes. 
The Unfettered stands for defiance, rebellion and revolution. To this end, she wields the Forge principle. However, she never concerns herself with the consequences of the revolutions she inspires and when the new government inevitably falls under the Listless King's sway and becomes an oppressive regime itself, she will be there to inspire another bloody uprising. Thus she wields the principle of Moth, always chasing a goal she will never achieve.