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The Great Serpent

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}}'''The Great Serpent''' ('''The First Snake''', '''The Sea-Dragon''', '''The Appendage-Shedder''', '''The Door-Key''') was the Twenty-Second Hour of the Fansus, created by [[User:Anaconda With Sword|Anaconda With Sword]]. It was a God-From-Light, the first to descend from the Glory into the Fansus. Its aspects are [[Lantern]], [[Knock]], and [[Secret Histories]].
=== Appearance ===
The Great Serpent was a tremendous snake with glowing scales. It was not clear which color it had, as the light it shed was an intensity so painful that no one could look at it very long.
=== Principles ===
The Great Serpent was often invoked as a sign of mastery and ownership, but it was never known to reliably respond to any invocation, and sometimes would respond to invocations not meant for it.
=== Fansus Location ===
The Fansus was known as the House of the Snake, and it explored its house with great zeal.
[[Category:Secret Histories]]