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The Boatman

222 bytes added, 22:19, 31 August 2019
The Boatman is a strange hour, peculiar Hour. A gatekeeper - he is they the way into the city the City. The only way in, he in fact. He dictates who enters and who will feed the river. That is his task.
far Far before the days of the lock-down , he was there, guarding the gates, he . He is much far more then ferry manthan a mere ferryman. he was Once a mortal once one who was considered a murderer by those who found stumbled upon his little secrets beneath the boat house, hidden in the river would run red those daysboathouse. His journey to Hourhood was torturous, at first for his accusers, and afterwards for himself after he found his way to becoming became a long, ; his master held the gates, as he would bleed him like a pig on duty, letting until he became the very blood become him as it was his new purpose and it in turn became histhat he would shed. Once he fully ascended, when he ascended found that the blood would simply not stop flowing from its corpse pouring, so he made the Boatman created a moat with themfrom it to further aid his duties. Aside from this, the blood Boatman's sight also greatly improved with ascension. These boons only made an excellent addition in his eyes, he took up his role with him gain a greater fervor only he has shown for his task and purpose than ever sincebefore.
A large figure shrouded in a large red cloaked figure with cloak and donning a dark mask, the . The mask has smiling face. no one has - none have seen his face for a long time, his . His limbs are blood -red.
he He is a guide and gate gatekeeper, thus he is knock, he guides . He is the shepherd of the dead , and ends the ones slayer of those who will do not pay in the toll - thus he is winter. He is a sadist and enjoys his profession greatly, thus he is edge in his sick pleases of violence and his job as the guard of city.