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The Captain (Original)

320 bytes added, 04:10, 7 October 2019
“There’s far more than one culprit, but I could tell you who I think is most responsible - The Hill-Queen and the Golden Insect, those bags of lard..."
* [[The FirstbornFirstborn_(Original)]]: An old acquaintance. The Captain may often advise him. The two argue often, and he refuses to partake in the more wrathful or carnal activities. This aside, The Zephyr maintains a friendly relation with the Firstborn.* [[The PiperPiper_(Original)]]: Views him as a kindred spirit - a friend and a rival he’s proud to have. Though he feels differently about the Wassail, he sets this aside and embraces the Piper as someone he can talk to freely.* [[The_Weft|The WeftWeft_(Original)]] & [[The_Warp|The WarpWarp_(Original)]]: He is quite loyal to the two, believing they did the right thing. Though he doesn’t serve them directly, favors are not unheard of.* [[The DistinguishedDistinguished_(Original)]]: ''Was it worth it? It's not my decision to make. I hope that it was.''* [[The Prince ConsortConsort_(Original)]]: ''You must have many stories to tell...''* [[The Hill-QueenQueen_(Original)]]: ''I’ll know the atrocities you’re hiding, one day.''* [[The TessellateTessellate_(Original)]]: Genius mind and good company.* [[The SolemnSolemn_(Original)]]: The Captain is a silent supporter and occasional helper.* [[Brother GrimalkinGrimalkin_(Original)]]: Vile, but also cute and not too unplesant.* [[Abbess SunsetSunset_(Original)]]: ''You are more than a weapon.''* [[The Skinner BoxBox_(Original)]]: ''Watch where you tread, and call if you need me.''* [[The StillwaterStillwater_(Original)]]: The Captain had to resist the Stillwater's calling in order to finally ascend. He has a deep hatred towards it, but also respects it slightly.* [[The Heart-Felt FantasyFantasy_(Original)]]: Wonderful in all regards.* [[The Gilded InsectInsect_(Original)]]: Harbors an intense, murderous rage towards him, and thus avoids him, because he refuses to even consider such violence. Very peculiar for someone as peaceful as the Captain.* [[The MechanismMechanism_(Original)]]: A useful tool, but one that makes light of its users.
* [[]]:
* [[The World-CarverCarver_(Original)]]: ''Your endeavor is foolhardy, but I wish you good luck and hope for the best.''* [[The EyeEye_(Original)]]: He’s passed some of its harrowing trials in the past. Approves of the tests it gives those it gazes upon, perhaps out of nostalgia... * [[The ReminisceReminisce_(Original)]]: ''You are more than the past.''* [[The Millions-Upon-MillionsMillions_(Original)]]: Everything that the Stillwater isn’t. One of the Zephyr’s most-respected hours.* [[The FruitbatFruitbat_(Original)]]: ''You are also an explorer, though a different kind.''* [[The Blight-AbidingAbiding_(Original)]]: ''Misunderstood and unsociable. Time heals all wounds. Surely time spent with good company will heal the Aubade.''* [[The CantharideCantharide_(Original)]]: Sometimes a great friend. Sometimes a madwoman.* [[The WeaveWeave_(Original)]]: ''What a pity, though I understand why she had to go.''* [[The SockpuppetSockpuppet_(Original)]]: Eager students are welcomed and very appreciated. Horrible stories of coming-to-be will be put aside.* [[The DongolopticonDongolopticon_(Original)]]: ''I cannot lust for another ever again.''* [[The Bird-MotherMother_(Original)]]: ''You are more than a grudge.''* [[The Mare-NightNight_(Original)]]: ''Goes to show that you can represent a vile cause and still be respectable. Some hours should take notes.''* [[The StillbornStillborn_(Original)]]: ''It's time for a bedtime story.'' 
* The Captain's powers of travel originally only included the material and the spiritual. His original third aspect was Moth, not SH. At some point after his ascension, he made contact with the Weave, or rather, the Weave made contact with him, and he carries some of her knowledge ever since that moment. (He does not carry anything else, and is unable to make full use of the knowledge due to being an hour of flesh.)