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The Gorging-Shrew

25 bytes added, 20:38, 25 October 2019
Due to his roaming habits, the Gorging-Shrew rarely suffers to stay in one place for very long. Communal worship of the Gorging-Shrew is rare uncommon at best. Thus, smaller shrines dedicated to his Name are built along paths in the Contested Zone, called Burrows. Each of these has only been discovered by Frontiersmen in a great time of need, very often pursued by their enemies. What they see is a small room dug out of the dirt, with a table garnished like a king's feast. Offering rest and succor to those in peril, even if their enemies also enter the Burrow, they find themselves strangely unwilling to do violence to their quarry. Even those who do not actively worship the Gorging-Shrew consider it good manners to leave a trinket of some sort as an offering to him, as thanks for his aid.
The Gorging-Shrew is also popular among members of the Brokerage. It has long been speculated whether or not the Brokerage's survival of the fall of the First City was due to the Gorging-Shrew's help. In more recent Histories, this Hour has lent power to silver-tongues and extortionists who help satisfy his more peculiar cravings. A select few of these occultists publish disturbingly acclaimed recipe books cookbooks on the preparation of corpses in food-stuffs; these few titles forever cemented the reputation of the Gorging-Shrew's tastes as unbecoming in some cases, and depraved at worst.
# '''Ascension: Phrase: I've acquired a taste for corpses, now. I am beginning to forget my original body's shape. I know this to be the Third Mark.
# '''Ascension: Phrase: My appetites are monstrous, in both proportion and kind. Anyone I meet is charmed, cheated, and replaced the next day. I await the assistance of the Gorging-Shrew, to ascend further.
# '''A Thief in the Night''':(to be completed later)