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The Jeweled Tantras

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== The Golden Tantra ==
A MansusGlory-Glimpse ({{Aspect|Lantern|4}})
Reinterpreted into the English language and heavily annotated by Nicolas-Louis de la Caille, published posthumously by the Stargazing Society, that loosely-tied company of ambitious astronomers dedicated to the distant and enthralling Hours.
== The Silver Tantra ==
A Wood-Whisper Word ({{Aspect|Moth|4}})
The astrologist-writer Patricia Fletcher had retired after translating the Silver Tantra into English, having burned all her works and devoted herself to a life of asceticism.
== The Lapis Tantra ==
- Narcissistic Invocation ({{Aspect|Lantern|8}})
The serial killer Aritha Aruna chanted snippets of this Tantra as she plowed her way through the Land of the Great River. Only a single witness testimony proves this fact.
== The Crystal Tantra ==
Moldywarp Admonitions Ecdysiast's Parabla ({{Aspect|Moth|86}})
The Crystal Tantra is accused of being a fabrication every twenty years or so. Edward Pierce evidently wrote it from scratch and personally inflicted every sign of age upon the manuscript as to add it to his collection of unread texts, and to spite his competitor and occasional lover Samuel Shine.
== The Agate Tantra ==
Fascination, ThighSun-Born Thorax-Sweet Cleansed Fruit ({{Aspect|Moth|12}})
This Tantra was originally recorded, read and publicized by a member of the Stargazing Society here called the Heron. A discursive epilogue describes their vehement refusal to ever translate the Agate Tantra, and the depths of meaning that would inevitably be lost in the process.
== The Pearl Tantra ==
Dread, Bleaching Mantra of Ascent ({{Aspect|Lantern|12}})
The Pearl Tantra is said to have never been discovered by the Stargazing Society, having been passed down in a remote Buddhist temple for centuries. It is said that it was originally discovered by one of the monks, who saw it written on the underside of his skin. By what means he saw it is unclear.