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The Fansus β



972 bytes added, 15:29, 20 July 2018
Astrologer: Connor now claims to be able to tell a person's entire future based on an analysis of the spelling of their name. We are unsure as to whether he simply foretells the events, or makes them so. </br>
Prisoner: Connor begs, almost sobbing, for a pen, pencil, anything, please.
=== Patrick (Cyborg-Squid) ===
Troublemaker: There are no records of Patrick's crimes, but there is no doubt they exist. This many suspensions do not happen for no reason.</br>
Acquaintance: Patrick has spent 20 years on the force, and has seen the most gruesome of crimes, to the point where he is the first to volunteer to investigate them.</br>
Believer: Patrick has begun reading case files at home, and proceeding to the burn them. His memory is an impeccable record. </br>
Disciple: The lines between innocent and guilty have begun to blur in Patrick's mind. He claims we are all complicit in centuries old crimes, breaking Laws that do not exist in the human realm.</br>
Astrologer: Crimes happen, and Patrick is there. Patrick is there, and crimes happen. In his eyes, we are all guilty, but he can instantly tell the more guilty from the ones less so. </br>
Prisoner: Patrick seems to find this ironic. If his cell is opened, we suspect he will refuse to leave.
== Edge ==