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The Fansus β


The First City

No change in size, 00:02, 2 August 2018
* The One Sanctum- Meeting place of the 20 Ministers and the seat of government of the First City. Where the representatives of the Hours administer the justice of the gods, hear audiences, and settle disputes that occur between their patron Hours in either the Mansus or the other Histories.
* The Scarlet Queen- A gentleman's club of ill repute in the more high-end district of the City. Frequented by Long of numerous principles, the club caters to all manner of tastes, both refined and depraved. Rumored to be frequented by the Name of [[The Peacock]] with the most distinguished tastes.
* Heritage Valley- The gated community home to the devotees of [[Old Tarnished]]. As the Golden King's followers usually tend to be some sort of puritanical supremacist, they choose not to interact with the rest of the city in favor of living in a microcosm of the Golden Empire. St. Pizarro's Cathedral is at the center of the community, a gilded monstrosity of a church that towers over the surrounding buildings as a result of a feud between the Imperials and followers of the Apple -of -the -Eye. Both churches are convinced they serve the more glorious Hour, and as a result are constantly expanding and "beautifying" their respective temples in an effort to outdo the other.
* The Temple Nil- Everyone in the first city will tell you: there is no Temple Nil. It is not the hidden church of the Gods from Nowhere. It does not manifest when the clock strikes midnight. It is not where the acolytes of the forbidden gods in the underbelly of the city gather to commune with their masters. It is not where the Nine Emissaries of Nowhere meet to coordinate their efforts against the One Sanctum. They do not disclose forbidden knowledge those who manage to seek them out. You should not investigate this.
* The Bounty Office- The local outpost of the Ferryman's bounty-hunters from [[The Collections Office]]. Assists in hunting down and exterminating dangerous Mansus creatures that occasionally get loose on the city's underbelly, as well as bringing in rebellious Long. As a separate organization from the city watch and the Watchers, they can sometimes be hired for private security or muscle, as long as they're not involved in any sort of theft.