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The Fansus β


The Warrior Maid

105 bytes added, 22:17, 4 August 2018
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== Description ==
  The Warrior Maid is an Hour of war and death from war. She is the herald of causes that incite conflict, who forces the Dead who are killed thus into her army. She is a being who lives for war and for killing. Some claim she raises the armies of the dead with false promises of glory eternal, while others claim she simply gives them the choice to join her in her eternal war or die. The war she wages is war for the sake of war, killing for the sake of killing. It is her effective meaning and need-a war that will continue for eternity. Some see it as something she takes joy in, others see it as her grim duty. Few see her personally and live.
=== Appearance ===
=== Principles ===
The Warrior Maid is the Edge of her eternal war, and the Winter of the death that she bringsand the Dead that she rules.
== Worship ==
Anonymous user