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The Spirarch

1,570 bytes added, 16:08, 8 August 2018
=== Mark ===
When the deficiencies of the world become intolerable, the Spirarch may be approached for the power to rectify that which is crooked. As the Spirarch shares its strength, the body becomes scarred with the '''Marks of Reform'''.
# '''Temptation: Reform''': This world is flawed, but I can fix it.
# '''Dedication: Reform''': I have dedicated myself to the eradication of humanity's defects, at any cost.
# '''Ascension: Reform''': The Spirarch has bound my writing hand with its tendrils. My acquaintances are as puppets to me now. With a well-placed word I turn rumor to fact in the public's mind. I know this to be the Third Mark.
# '''Ascension: Reform''': I can feel something growing inside me, spreading every which way. I find I no longer need to think before I speak. This is the Fourth Mark.
# '''Ascension: Reform''': The Fifth Mark has cost me my ability to walk, but it matters not. I sit at the center of a web that spans the continent. With a tug on a strand I topple empires. Nothing lies beyond my reach.
# '''Ascension: Reform''': The growing branches inside me have broken free of my skin in several points. They spread in every direction, wedding me to my home. I feel every tremor on the skin of the world. This is the Sixth Mark.
# '''The Conjoining of Wills''': My branches extend skyward, higher, higher still, until they are met with branches that are not my own. They intertwine time and time again, until it is impossible to tell where my will ends and Hers begins. I will share in Her immortality, and become a Long, favoured of the Spirarch.
=== Servants ===