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The Sea of Mist

1,490 bytes added, 00:40, 10 August 2018
Created page with "'''The Sea of Mist''' is a location in the Second Fansus. Between Nowhere and Somewhere is a hazy place of primordial thought and the collective unconscious. It appears as a s..."
'''The Sea of Mist''' is a location in the Second Fansus. Between Nowhere and Somewhere is a hazy place of primordial thought and the collective unconscious. It appears as a still fog over stagnant water, a grey, quiet place where reality is thin. Sometimes it is perfectly calm, sometimes it is wracked by storms. Often dreams and nightmares manifest themselves there, crawling out of the waters and dissipating the moment the dreamer wakes. Rarely, a concept may have enough strength to continue on by themselves, becoming one of the countless monsters of the Mansus.

Sometimes, just sometimes, it may force its way into proper reality. This is when a God-from-Mist rises up from the Sea. They are not of Nowhere, not as alien as the Gods-from-Nowhere are. But neither are they of the Mansus proper, and they can be stranger than even the Gods-from-Light. But in some ways they are some of the most human of the Hours, born as they are from humanity's unconscious.

The Gods-from-Mist are as follows:
* [[The Knife's Edge]] and [[The Storm-Tossed]], the Opalescent Twins. They are not completely of the Mist, emerging from the corpse of [[The Goldsmith]] - thus, they are also counted among the Gods-from-Blood.
* [[The Perennial]], the Tide Home. It lives and dies as the tide ebbs, and is both from Light and Mist.
* [[The Warrior Maid]], the Frozen General. She leads the armies of the Dead, living only for war and conflict.

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