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Venom-Soaked Silver

691 bytes added, 09:40, 22 August 2018
Created page with "'''Preliminary Explorations into Nowhere''' is a book from the Fansus timeline. The Wyrmspeaker wrote this book, and was sanctioned for it..."
'''Preliminary Explorations into Nowhere''' is a book from the Fansus timeline. [[The Anaconda#Elaine, Wyrmspeaker|The Wyrmspeaker]] wrote this book, and was sanctioned for it.

== Description ==
Not only was this tarnished slab of silver drowned in venom, but the text was ciphered. Someone wanted to keep this unknown.

== Study Text Start ==
The text starts with a description of the powerful opening techniques required to even think of entering Nowhere without bringing… things… into the Mansus.

== Study Start Finish ==
‘I brought one of the Loathsome Worms back for the Curator. They do open in new ways… Like origami, but broken.’

[[Category:Books]][[Category:Fansus I]]