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Marks, Long, and Cult!
FNORDThe main cult of the Flint-and-Steel in the Histories is '''The Order of the Eternal Flame''', centered in Persia. The Order is a Zoroastrian-influenced society made up of scientists, artisans, engineers, and artists, all of whom have dedicated themselves to finding the boundaries of their talent and going beyond.
FNORD"I am the strike and the spark. The world is my kindling, and we shall reforge it in fire. These are the '''Marks of Refinement.'''" # '''Notion: Genius''' - I could create such wonders...# '''Dedication: Genius''' - I have dedicated myself to achieving the pinnacle of the artisan's craft.# '''Ascension: Genius''' - The Pyre-Spark has settled in my mind and it burns with new ideas. I know this to be the Third Mark.# '''Ascension: Genius''' - The Fourth Mark is the fire in my words and in my eyes, and my skin is fever-hot like a furnace.# '''Ascension: Genius''' - My flesh has begun to burn away, and it is replaced with something so much more than what it was. I have turned my attention to the world as something to be shaped. This is the Fifth Mark.# '''Ascension: Genius''' - The Sixth Mark is when I have no use for tools and blazing furnaces. The strength of my will and my hands is enough to reforge the world.# '''The Phoenix's Pyre''' - I have passed near to the blazing heights of the Glory, and there the last of my old self was set aflame. I have risen from my own ashes, and now I am a thing of fire fueled by what I was. My touch burns away the old and leaves only the new. I will walk the world and the House, and my works will bring both closer to the Glory.  I will not grow old. I will change and change and change until, one day, maybe one day soon, I become something wonderous.
FNORDThe Flint-and-Steel's Long are often called Phoenixes. They appear as blazing infernos with a person at their heart, and they are reputed to be peerless craftsmen with no fixed abode, wandering and learning and creating. They are alchemists, smiths, and artists all.