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The Fansus β


The First City

871 bytes added, 10:42, 31 August 2018
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* [[The Prince]] represents [[The Insidious]] in all matters of politicking. He is a canny manipulator, uniting the Hours from nowhere as often as he sets them against each other for political gain. He doesn't mind that the Nine Emissaries aren't yet recognised in the city, instead taking advantage of the situation in order to create a network of Long spies. The time will come for The Prince and those who stand with him.
* With Romeo incapable of performing any real government role, the The Lady in Red is the closest the Peacock has to an official Emissary to Shesha. The Lady spends little time in the city, but secretly owns numerous prestigious high-end salons and gentlemen's clubs in a bid to slowly corrupt the city's most influential Long to the side of the Peacock.
* FNORDThe Deep-Venturer represents the [[Snake-Tail with Appendages]] The Deep-Venturer was once a human until one day, it retroactively never was but what it is. In the Tail's service, it immersed itself deep in Nowhere, changing to something alien, even by the standards of the Snake-Tail's minions, who look upon it with unease. It ventured far below the depths of the Temple Nil, seeking deeper darkness and greater openings until it emerged. It shared its patron's distaste of reality and it was due to this that its patron assigned it to this little outpost of Nowhere. Some whisper that this show of benevolence however is just a front and the Venturer is tainted, strange, and warped enough that even the Tail recoils at it. Those people are very quickly erased. But it is true that despite its comfort in Nowhere, the Tail only sends messages to the Venturer by courier...