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The Fansus β


The Ignition

541 bytes added, 06:41, 10 September 2018
On a Steel Tide
Not content on devouring the Sixth, the Engine turned its attention to the Mansus itself. Sensing more "power sources" in the other Hours, the Engine manifested itself as a massive wave of cogs and gears, slamming itself into the House and embedding itself in its side. Creating and improving even as it devoured, it began spawning twisted clockwork monstrosities to aid in the devouring of the House.
The Anaconda, Marshal and attack dog of the Mansus, found itself staying its hand against the Engine proper. It was not Stone, like the Maker, and the Anvil had fallen far too easily for its comfort. It attacked the minions of the Engine as they entered the House, however, dragging the shattered remnants of steel back to the Wyrm's Museum for further study. As it did so, it twisted the paths those minions had found, intending to create a contained loop of ways around the clockwork monstrosity of an Hour, and then simply lock them off.