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Her Scarred Serenity

1 byte removed, 12:38, 5 March 2019
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The Hour called Our Lady of Scars is not as she was, before the Collision. She has been scarred and reduced by the sacrifice she made, to save the Hours and the twin Mansi. She fully expected to die, but she lived. She does not regret what she did, nor what she didn't.
Now, she is the patron of the wounded, the scarred, and the mutilated, invoked in moments of weakness and futility. She does not grant strength, not as her father does, though she wishes she could. She grants determination, resolve, the power to persist another day and another day and another day. She also grants the wisdom to know when strength and resolve are futile, when it is better to flee or to cease.
She does ask for small things in exchange, however, though she wishes she didn't need to. A breath here, taken directly from the lungs. A heartbeat there, taken directly from the heart. A twitch in the muscles, as she needs to move more than you need to move, in that moment. She is very sorry.