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The Fansus β


The Demiurge

1,868 bytes added, 04:53, 29 April 2019
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| origin = Light
| titles = The Lion-Faced, The Redsmith, The Great Bronze Serpent, The Higmost of Artists
| names = The MouthpieceSpokesman, The Grand Merchant, Adonis, The Landlord, The Jailor
| aspects = {{Aspect|Forge}} {{Aspect|Grail}} {{Aspect|Moth}}
| arrival = After Her Scarred Serenity
'''The Second Sphere:'''
The Second Sphere is home to grand workshops and studios of the Long, and prototype and manufacture engineer many of the wonders produced in the Second Fansus. Many rich Long live here, spending their waking hours constructing enigmatic devices and creating brilliant woks of art. This area is home to the other side of the Leonine Gate, through which the Long first arrive in the New Mansus and through which the Demiurge leaves it on the rare occasions when he visits the Mansus. The Overseer of this Sphere is the Spokesman, though he rarely enters it. The Spokesman is a brilliant artisan who is said to have been a Name of the Demiurge even before the Collision. He collaborated with the Demiurge on the New Mansus early in its history and constructed the Leonine Gate, but was later assigned to the Mansus-side of the Gate to be the Demiurge's spokesman to the other Hours and ensue that the other Hours do not suspect anything about his master's philanthropy. He yearns for the New Mansus, and had myriad ideas for how to improve it and yet so little time to sit in his workshop and make these ideas a reality before he is needed elsewhere by his patron. Some say this is deliberate on the part of the Demiurge, who they most often claim is either jealous of his own Name for having better ideas than he is, or does not wish to see the Spokesman's ideas implemented out of fear of the power they would give to the population he oppresses.
'''The Third Sphere:'''
The Third Sphere is the market district of the New Mansus, where all manner of wonders created by the Long of the Demiurge are bought and sold. Scales are the official currency of the New Mansus, but the markets of the Third Sphere frequently accept other things as tender. These things are not only material objects like precious resources, art, or inventions, but also memories, senses, inspiration, skill, titles, and names. Some Long live in their market halls.
This layer also contains the Mint, which engraves the shed bronze scales of the Demiurge with arcane symbols and pay them as wages to the working Long. The Demiurge sheds its skin like a snake, and pay comes when the scales have been removed from the skin and engraved. The remaining skin is then used as an isolator, keeping out heat, Nowhere, and Glory-light alike. The conversion rate between the scales and Spintria changes frequently and irrationally, and conversion between them requires tons of bureaucracy, cementing the kafkaesque nature of trying to leave the New Mansus. The New Mansus is also one of the only places where they're legal tender. The Mint also acts as the timekeepers of the New Mansus, as time is measured according to the time between sheddings. As the Demiurge has several forms which do not shed their skin, this gives it nearly full control over time in the New Mansus by simply deciding when to shed or not shed.
The Overseer of this Sphere is the Grand Merchant, an odd fellow dressed in heavy yellow robes. Whether a Long or a mechanical creation lies beneath these robes is an enigma, and nobody knows where the Grand Merchant appeared from or what it was before becoming a Name. Like the Spokesman, it spends much of its time outside the New Mansus, but it prefers the waking world to the Mansus. There, it travels the wastes, offering deals that seem too good to be true in exchange for material and insubstantial things.
'''The Fourth Sphere:'''