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The Fansus β


The Glorious Child

35 bytes added, 07:28, 14 July 2019
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The Glorious Child , sometimes just called Glory-Child, is the physically youngest Hour, representing law, justice, and, in the eyes of other Hours, childish naivety.
| title = The Glorious Child
| owners = [[User:Blackwellmasked]]
In the Collision, when the two Glories collided, the Glorious Child was born, similar to how fire is born from two flints. In his childishness, he stayed in the debris of the Mansus, building a sort of castle from the shattered Mansus-stone. After multiple attempts of crowning himself as "the King of the Mansus," he managed to anger almost every Hour, causing him to see himself as the protagonist against the antagonists that the other Hours are. Despite him constantly trying to defend his right to "the Throne", most Hours tend to ignore him, hoping he'll change for the better, eventually. Despite his childish behaviour, he managed to ally himself with some Hours protecting the concepts of law and respect, which he claims to control.