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869 bytes added, 09:39, 14 July 2019
The Perditarch
===The Perditarch===
An Hour of glorious destruction! Tear it all down! We don't need to make the effort to build something back up, that's not our job! The Perditarch (lat. perditio for entropy) incorporates the always present force of destruction, and he never builds up anything. I thought of him as kind of a Revolutionary Hour that acts more as an ally than a main actor, namely as an ally to the Alchemist; the goal was to create this duality of change, those being connected by the emotional side of the Alchemist. That being said, the Perditarch might never have been created if it weren't for the Alchemist, which is why he himself alone is not too interesting to me either (though I would definitely hang out with him). Another reason I created him was that I felt like the Fourth Fansus needed another relevant force of Winter, so here he is! The hopefully coolest Winter Hour!
===The Wispy Tress===