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The Fansus β


Little Lady Liver-Licker

99 bytes added, 14:14, 20 July 2019
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| owners = [[User:JustifyingReality413|Needle]]
Little Lady Liver-Licker is an Hour that is of the Fourth Fansus, a god-from-stone, Stone of the House of the King; she was created by [[User:JustifyingReality413|Needle]].
wip The Template manifested from the Glory's old grandma and guides all aspirants since that day.wip
The Template is worshipped by some strange folks called The Fansus.wip
# '''Temptation: Phrase: .
===The Mansus===
====The Template TempleSummer-Spring====The Template spends lots A cross between a vinyard and a bath-house, the Lady was frequently found here before the Collision. Now, as she wanders in search of its free time heresomething that will delay her hunger, the vines overgrow and the water doesn't flow.
===The Histories===
The year was 285124 and the template did a thing that was important.wip
* The Old Geezer's Shovel