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A Stock-Woven Watcher

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who{{InfoboxHour| title = The Transfinite Question| card = | quote = Why does it be?| origin = Grief| titles = * The Truth-Seeker’s Hydra* The Uncertain Certainty* The Coming Absolute| names = none| aspects = {{Aspect|Lantern}} {{Aspect|Moth}}| arrival = FNORD| owners = [[User:Zolgo3|Beast]]}}==Description=====History===  ===Appearance===FNORD===Principles===  ==Worship=====Cult===The Gordian Knot Scholarship Foundation===Mark===# '''Temptation: Answers''':'' FNORD ''# '''Dedication: Answers''':'' FNORD ''# '''Ascension: Answers''':'' FNORD ''# '''Ascension: Answers''':'' FNORD ''# '''Ascension: Answers''':'' FNORD ''# '''Ascension: Answers''':'' FNORD ''# '''Questions''':'' FNORD '' ===Apostle===[[ApostleQuestion Theories|Choose a theory.]]<br>[[ApostleQuestion Proof|Provide unshakable proof.]]<br>[[ApostleQuestion Glorious Heads|Solidify a Glorious Head.]]<br>[[ApostleQuestion Endings|Dream]]  <div style="margin-top: 20px; text-align: center">{{RecipeDescription|verb = Study|title = The G.|start_description = My chosen theory for the Answer Absolute. If I added reason and the relevant lore, I could continue constructing my Answer. If I have grown dissatisfied with my chosen theory, I may add passion to change it, though doing so may render my work thus far pointless.|aspect0 = The Eternal Question|quantity0 = 3|aspect1 = A Theory|aspect2 = The Answer|quantity2 = 1|aspect3 = Lantern|quantity3 = 7|aspect4 = Knock|quantity4 = 7|fansus = 4}}</div> ===Servants==='"FNORD"' ====Head Nubs==== ====Minor Heads==== ====Major Heads==== ====Grand Heads====<div style="margin-top: 20px; text-align: center">{{RecipeDescription|verb = Work|title = Summon a Grand Head of the Question.|start_description = These are the mightiest of the question's existing heads; To call one is to invoke the Question itself. I should not do this unless I am certain it's direct presence is necessary. We will need a grand amount of both Lantern and Secret History, as well as a great deal of Knock.|description = FNORD|aspect0 = Ritual|aspect1 = Knock|quantity1 = 7|aspect2 = Lantern|quantity2 = 20|aspect3 = Secret Histories|quantity3 = 15|fansus = 4}}</div> <div style="text-align: center; margin-bottom: 20px;">{{ElementDescription|image = File:TheOldGeezer.png|title = FNORD|description = 'FNORD’ |aspect0 = Summoned|aspect1 = Tutor|aspect2 = Devourer|quantity2 = 36|aspect3 = Deceiver|quantity3 = 36|aspect4 = Lantern|quantity4 = 36|aspect5 = Knock|quantity5 = 36|aspect6 = Phylaxian|aspect7 = Lamp of Loss |fansus = 4}}</div> ===Glorious Heads===These are the highest of the Question’s heads; the brightest of the Hydra’s theories! Here are the heads who’ve grown flawlessness enough to begin preparing their solidification.  None currently exist, but – with enough effort – a mortal could create one from a Grand Head. A particularly foolish and brilliant person might even be able make one to last. <div style="text-align: center; margin-bottom: 20px;">{{ElementDescription|image = File:TheOldGeezer.png|title = A Glorious Head|description = 'FNORD’ |aspect0 = Summoned|aspect1 = Temptation|aspect2 = Devourer|quantity2 = 100|aspect3 = Deceiver|quantity3 = 100|aspect4 = Lantern|quantity4 = 100|aspect5 = Knock|quantity5 = 100|aspect6 = add relevant aspect|quantity6 = 100|aspect7 = The Answer|quantity7 = 7|fansus = 4}}</div> ==Locations=====The Mansus=======The FNORD====FNORD===The Histories===FNORD==Items=====Tools===* FNORD** Aspects: FNORD===Ingredients===* Sphinx Chalk** {{Aspect|Lantern|3}} {{Aspect|Moth|1}} {{Aspect|Pigment}} * Liquid Enigma** Aspects: {{Aspect|Lantern|14}} {{Aspect|Poison|3}} ===Influences===* A Revelatory Illumination** Aspect: {{Aspect|Lantern|10}}===Books===* The Twenty First Indictment** Description: FNORD** Start Text: FNORD** End Text: FNORD** Gives: FNORD===Rites===* FNORD** Description: ** Requires:** Gives: ==Relationships==* [[]]: * [[]]: * [[]]:* [[]]:* [[]]: * [[]]:* [[]]:* [[]]: * [[]]: * [[]]:* [[]]:* [[]]:* [[]]: * [[]]:* [[]]:* [[]]:* [[]]: * [[]]: * [[]]:* [[]]:* [[]]:* [[]]:* [[]]:* [[]]: ==Secrets==[[Category:Hours (Vol. IIII)]]