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The Boatman

1,380 bytes added, 16:21, 31 March 2020
The boatman is worshiped by mortals for fair deals and passage. He cares not for their pleas, . however.he is known to except some mortals with potential to become long servants of humanity
# '''Temptation: PhraseProgress: I feel as though we can move forward, but who is we: # '''Dedication: PhraseProgress:I understand that we must move forward and have begun to understand how we may begin.# '''Ascension: PhraseHumanity: I have spoken to the boatman again, all of us who dwell into the city have spoken to them once, he sees potential.# '''Ascension: PhraseHumanity : I remember stories of the old city in and how the river was made, it flows in my veins with more detail then i was ever given# '''Ascension: PhraseHumanity:my mind feels thin, rapid memories of the dearly departed flow through like the river beneath my feet, I have started to work under the boatman directly, it is tough work but rewarding.# '''Ascension: Phrasehumanity: I worked myself to the bone taking tolls and giving rides, the water's of Lethe has removed who I once was... it no longer matters, all that matters is that humanity is served# '''Ending''': Italk to the boatman again after a long days work, about these thoughts and feelings that pierce my skull so deeply, he is pleased to hear my progress and schedules a grand event for the city so they could witness me, that night after drinking and feasting I drowned myself in the river in front of a cheering crowd of my new masters. the last bit of me falling away as the blood of the dead gave me new shape, when I arise in the morning I am more than human. I am humanity and it’s perfect form, I shall never fall until the final winter. 
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