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The Mare-Night

453 bytes removed, 16:01, 10 October 2019
Mabel, The Fox
He is described as a very pale, famished, almost-white young man with an empty amber stare of madness, covered in self-inflicted scars. There's not a hair on his body aside from his eyebrows and hair (which is long, straight and red). He has remarkably long fangs. He rides on a freakishly tall, famished Arabian stallion, whose bones can be seen through the skin. Its hair is white and patchy, and its eyes share the same maddening empty stare of its rider.
==== Mabel, The Fox Wordweaver ====
<div style="text-align: center; margin-bottom: 20px;">{{ElementDescription
|image =
|title = Mabel
|description = '[X] I've conquered hundreds like you... Do you want to be next?'
|aspect0 = Follower
|aspect1 = Summoned
<div style="margin-top: 20px; text-align: center">{{RecipeDescription
|verb = Work
|title = [x] Summon a mysterious Half-Name-Emanation of the Mare-Night|start_description = [×] Not quite a person, not quite a Name. The Wordweaver's mind-breaking charms could be attracted to me with the right amount of enlightenment, and some promise of pleasures...|description = [×] Mabel needs no words to exert her influence. Only a confident smile. She pushes a curly bang away from her eye and poses for me. The white qilin with her looks at me with curiosity. For a second, i thought i caught a glimpse of a bushy tail under her skirt.
|aspect0 = Ritual
|aspect1 = Grail
|quantity1 = 5
|aspect2 = WinterLantern
|quantity2 = 10
|aspect3 = Knock
|quantity3 = 2
|fansus = 3
}}</div>[Old Description] - An once-mortal, now under the servitude of the Mare. A so-called "Assassin" who has never had to kill a soul. Instead, her silver tongue conquers the mind of all those who stand in her way, and find no more appealing choice than to follow her into enlightenment, vanishing, "dead" into her servitude. Those who fall into her traps are never heard from again, surrendering their lives as cultists. Of course, she could shatter your psyche if she wanted. She just prefers to have you in on her cause. {{Aspect|Lantern|12}} {{Aspect|Knock|9}}
She is described as a strikingly beautiful pale young woman, with short, curly black-grey ombre "dyed" hair and piercing yellow eyes. She always dresses exclusively in shades of grey. Some say they have seen a glimpse of a bushy tail under her pencil-skirt. She rides on a white qilin with cloven hooves and gemstone-scales, adorned with exotic feathers on its bridle and many banners embroidered with symbols of the Mare.
<small><small>...Yes, they do have detachable heads. All of them.</small></small>