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566 bytes added, 20:31, 3 November 2019
Items: Properly made
* <div style="text-align: center; margin-bottom: 20px;">{{ElementDescription|image = File:RestlSword.png|title = The Old GeezerRestless Sword|description = A Guardian's Shovelsword, found purpose even after its user's death.|aspect0 = Tool** Aspects: {{Aspect|SHaspect1 = Heart|12}} {{Aspectquantity1 = 2|aspect2 = Edge|12quantity2 = 10|fansus = 4}}</div> 
* The Template's Brain Juice** Aspects<div style="text-align: center; margin-bottom: 20px;">{{AspectElementDescription|Forgeimage = File:BldSelfl.png|1}} {{Aspecttitle = Blood of Selflessness|Graildescription = Blood this red comes only from a pure heart.|1}}aspect0 = Ingredient|aspect1 =Heart|quantity1 =12|aspect2 =Influences=Forge|quantity2 =5|fansus =4* A Chill in the Hair (Don't get too greedy with these. Stick to one or two max)** Aspect: {{Aspect|Winter|71}}</div> 
* <div style="text-align: center; margin-bottom: 20px;">{{ElementDescription|image = File:GuardRest.png|title = The book of cookie recipesGuardian Restless** Description: It's |description = This is an old ancient book, okay? A dusty old tome? Made out of cookie batter somehowbut you will find it easily, if you really need it. It was written by Hoel Grann somewhere around the 20th century, and details all the reasons one should devote oneself to others.** Start |aspect0 = Text|aspect1 = Auctionable|fansus = 4}}</div> <div style="margin-top: 20px; text-align: This center">{{RecipeDescription|verb = Study|title = Read "The Guardian Restless"|start_description = "To love oneself is easy, but to love another is harder, to accept their failures and still adore them to the tale core of the skeleton warriorsyour being. Dying for them, an even harder task".** End Text: |description = The skeleton warriors theme song refuses to leave words of this text spur you onward, the smile in your mindface will linger for weeks.|fansus = 4}}** Gives: Stuff goes here. Usually lore. Sometimes languages. Sometimes things get really weird. Feel free to get creative.{{Influence|Heart|6}} {{Lore|Heart}} </div> 
* Making of the Hours{{FNORD}}** Description: Ancient ritual conceived by the spooky boys of Uh-Shekel.** Requires: Rites are the more unique bits of Cultist Simulator. They may require tools, objects, lores, living beings, and so on. Some of the items used for the rite may be destroyed, and proper aspects are needed. Do specify all the details!** Gives: Glorious boons. From summoning to spawning items to other beneficial effects.
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