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The Curtain's Falling

861 bytes added, 17:39, 9 November 2019
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| title = The Curtain's Falling
| card =
| quote = We call upon the Magnificent Conclusion, who constantly polishes / Who is eternally resentful passionate / Who remembers all your mistakes.
| origin = From-Nowhere
| titles = The Magnificent Conclusion, The Jealous Gentleman, The Magpie-In-Diamonds
| names = Unloving Charisma
| aspects = {{Aspect|Winter}} {{Aspect|Moth}}
| arrival = Before you. (Not really.)
| owners =[[User:Nephilim|Yours truly.]]
The Magnificent Conclusion is a Winter-Moth Hour of magnificence, perfectionism, vanity, the strange, jealousy, spite and beautiful endings.
This Hour will never be used.
The Magpie-In-Diamonds rose from Nowhere out of the unresolved ambitions of mortals.
*An Eurasian Magpie, with four wings whose feathers end in exquisitely carved silver blades forged from tears of pain and frustration. Its gilded eyes have patterns resembling ♣️, and are always crying tears of flawless garnet and diamond. Its face bears a permanent expression of disgust. On its head it wears a golden crown of gears with gems inscribed with masterful poetry, shaped like scorpions and cups.
*A young, pale-skinned man with the head of a black dog, whose left eye is a dark purple and right eye a perfect gold. Its ears are like a jackal's, cartoonishly long and pointed, pierced with jeweled gilded chains,and earrings in the shape of cups and staves. Its hair is black with checkered patterns in lilac and a single white streak. Its left arm is full of scars which are constantly spilling ink like open wounds. It wears a dark blue (beyond navy) suit with a lilac tie and lighter, muted blue stripes. It wears a pin with a [И] sigil and a mantle of magpie feathers, and a necklace with an expensive fountain pen. Its clawed hands are full of luxurious rings worth more than what half the people of the world earn a month. It wears a black-and-violet jester hat with a crown for a base over its left ear. Its long, spiralling tail holds a lantern whose light is an eye. It looks at all humans others with a condescending expression, like a person looks at a foolish child.
Guidance The Magpie is your stolen inspiration. It is unending creation which rises ever higher, which runs up the endless stair of perfection thirteen steps at a time. It is your mission. It is the most beautiful ending to a perfect book written in silver and creationonyx.
The Template is worshipped by some strange folks called The Fansusthe cult known as the ''Soaring Corvid Society''. Not much is known about them other than the fact they have absurdly strict and ever-changing rules for initiates, and they are extremely exclusive.
# '''Temptation: PhraseMagnificence: I've begun to comprehend the Template's wayswas born with a Mission. I know what i must do.But when?# '''Dedication: PhraseMagnificence: I shall follow the Template's waysve decided to dedicate myself to forging a legacy above that of all my ancestors. I will become a magnificent conclusion.# '''Ascension: PhraseMastery: Agh my eyesThe Work does not end.But when does it begin?# '''Ascension: PhraseMastery: Ugh I will burn my bonespast, and its ashes will write my future.# '''Ascension: PhraseMastery: Gah I will freeze my future, and its shards will forge my legspath.# '''Ascension: PhraseMastery: But it's gonna be worth itI will walk the path i have forged, and its shards will tear at my skin and reveal that beauty which lies beneath.# '''EndingIn the Dazzling Halls''': I have proved myselfMy imperfect skin is torn to ribbons. Beneath i am glittering diamond, my face perfectly angular, and now my crown radiant as those of the mighty emperors of old. I teach new hours how to bake cookiesam as complete as i will ever be. This is a worthy ending for one like me.
====The Old Geezer Unloving Charisma ====
<div style="text-align: center; margin-bottom: 20px;">{{ElementDescription
|image = File:TheOldGeezer.png|title = The Old GeezerUnloving Charisma |description = '"Get off my lawn!"Aww. Come back for more, already? Pitiful.'
|aspect0 = Follower
|aspect1 = Summoned
|aspect2 = Tutor
|aspect3 = DevourerDeceiver
|quantity3 = 12
|aspect4 = Edge
<div style="margin-top: 20px; text-align: center">{{RecipeDescription
|verb = Work
|title = Summon one of the Name-emanations of the TemplateCurtain's Falling|start_description = The Old Man of Calling upon the Template Unlove is comingno easy task. The fat old fellow can't bare We will need a grand quantity of Heart to even look at you. Every hair on his body rises at the mention charm it, and bring a little reminder of lawnsits master's chill.|description = Is this truly the best the Template has to offer?She laughs at you, yet never looks directly into your eyes. Every word is poison. Every paragraph is blood. She never. Stops. Talking.
|aspect0 = Ritual
|aspect1 = Knock
|aspect2 = Heart
|quantity2 = 10
|aspect3 = LanternWinter
|quantity3 = 2
|fansus = 20
===The Mansus===
====The Template TempleDazzling Halls====The Template spends lots of its free Every curtain is the finest silk, every seat is glass, every table is diamond, every cushion is wild-cotton. Its inhabitants have jeweled skins and spend all their time herewriting beautiful poems and listening to incredibly niche and intricate compositions. They most certainly have no time for you.
===The Histories===
The year was 285124 and Sometimes, it exists in the template did Wake, in a thing that was importanthopeless lesser city to the east of the land of silver and corruption.
* The Old Geezer's ShovelA cursed pen** Aspects: {{Aspect|SH|12}} {{Aspect|EdgeWinter|12}}
* The Template's Brain JuiceA single drop of inspiration** Aspects: {{Aspect|ForgeMoth|1}} {{Aspect|Grail|112}}
* A Chill in the Hair (Don't get too greedy with these. Stick to one or two max)passing envy** Aspect: {{Aspect|WinterEdge|7113}}
* The book of cookie recipesNeph** Description: It's an old book, okay? A dusty old tome? Made out , each of cookie batter somehowits words sewn onto ebony paper with silver thread.** Start Text: This is It contains the tale secrets of the skeleton warriorsMagpie.** End Start Text: The skeleton warriors theme song refuses book is absolute hell to leave your mind.** Gives: Stuff goes here. Usually lore. Sometimes languages. Sometimes read - It trails off into wildly descriptive paragraphs of flowery words over the smallest things get really weird. Feel free It never seems to get creativeend===Rites===* Making of the Hours** DescriptionEnd Text: Ancient ritual conceived by It is the spooky boys of Uhmost beautiful thing i have ever read -Shekel.** Requires: Rites are the more unique bits of Cultist Simulator. They may require tools, objects, lores, living beingsYet, and so on. Some it brought nothing of the items used for the rite may be destroyed, and proper aspects are neededvalue. Do specify all the details!** Gives: Glorious boonsTakes 100 seconds to read. From summoning to spawning items to other beneficial effectsOnly gives 2 Fascination.
* The Template is actually the second coming of Big Clive and your life is a lie.neph hour* It also never liked cookies.neph hour* And it writes steamy fanfics.META