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The Fourth Fansus

3,454 bytes added, 12:59, 17 December 2019
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Author's Note: Nothing on this page is set in stone yet, it's all just my personal ideas free to be edited by anyone.
The Fourth Fansus, sometimes called the Twin-Mansus, is the place where the majority of Hours reside. It was born out of two independent Mansi, and experienced heavy change within the latest years. It generally is a place of change, conquering, struggle, and destruction.
===The Leonine Gate===
The Leonine Gate is the gate [[The Demiurge]] built. It is guarded by the Spokesman, and leads to the New Mansus. The Demiurge forged it from the Door to Nowhere that the Elderwyrm used to travel to Nowhere in search of Mother Songbird.
===The Highest Pillar===
===The Castle===
The Castle was built by [[The Glorious Child]], as close to the Glory as possible, and still in the debris of it, somehow (some suspect outside help).
''The Wyrmswound'', also known as the 'Sunspot-Scar', the 'Blackest Gate', and the 'Corona Door', was once the highest Door in the House of the Wyrm that adepts used to enter to become Long. It was created when the Elderwyrm descended from the Glory, as a scar left on its surface. The Wyrm plucked it from the Glory and placed it at the highest point of the Mansus, so that the descending Mother Songbird would not be burned by the Glory on her way out. Some now-dead Hour once built a beautiful obsidian doorframe for it, but it was destroyed in the Collision, and now they Blackest Door dances with the Twin Glories, ever fleeting as it jitters and twitches far above the surface of the Mansus. It is difficult to reach, and dangerous to be around, which is the reason why it's the less used of the two Doors to the Glory
''The Beautiful Gate'', also known as the 'Royal Door' or 'Holy Door', was the highest Door of the King's House that adepts used to enter in order to become Long. In an act that foreshadowed his future apathy, the Listless King left it slightly ajar when he passed through it when descending from the Glory. It is coated in brass and engraved with depictions of the King's greatest acts, but in recent times the Collision and the passing Wyrmswound have caused this brass coating to begin to flake, revealing an older surface with strange engravings carved into an unknown metal. Each of the double doors depicts a royal figure that is clearly not the Listless King, though its true identity is unknown. On one of the doors, it holds a lantern. On the other, it wields a knife. The Royal Door has became unreliable in recent times, as the Glories are not always close enough to facilitate the process of ascending to Long. Still, it remains more popular than the unstable Blackest Door
''The Whispering Way'', sometimes known as the 'Door of Harmonies' or the 'Glass-Tongued Gate', is the highest point at which mortals could enter the Wyrm's House. It was sometimes played by Her Prescient Serenity, who could commune with its concentric rings of glass to awaken harmonies that could be hears throughout the entire Mansus, though Her Scarred Serenity lacks both the time and the energy to play it nowadays.
''The Waxway'', also known as the 'Hive Gate' or the 'Apiary Door', is the highest point at which mortals could enter the King's House. None remember where the bees first arrived from, but all remember the wondrous honey they produced, favored by the royal Hours of the House and their aristocratic children. It is located in the Sugared Swamp, where the Confectionist holds court
There is however one issue. The Door of Harmonies has a fourth title as well, one that it shares with the Hive Gate. Both doors are Vak, but they're not the same Vak. There are subtle differences in grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation that have led to a bitter strife between the twin Gates, even as the Hours who speak Vak could not care less about the other House's accent. The Glass Gate emits shattering melodies from the depths of its pipes to break the frames of the Apiary Door, and the bees of the Hive Gate swarm over the consoles of the Gate of Harmonies ever eager to descend into its innards and bite at the glass rings and pipes. Hours, Long, and mortals have all urged the Doors to stop their feud as the honey runs dry and the harmonies grow discordant, but the Doors show no signs of ceasing.
===The Collision===
Independently from who did it, the causalities of this event were fatal: multiple Hours were incredibly wounded, some Hours even died, and quite a lot rose in the next few years after. But first and foremost, the skin of the world was, if only temporarily, completely torn off, breaking down the barrier between realities, and melting the two Histories, one for each Mansus, together, in addition to power of the Hours bleeding into the Wake. The effects of the latter are recorded below, though no one really remembers what happened, probably for the better.
====Effects on the Wake====
Areas flooded by Lantern-influence were subject to perhaps the most alien of devastations, though they generally have suffered little physical damage. Strange lights appeared in the sky, eerie writing appeared on the walls, surfaces were rendered transparent or reflective, and so forth. People witnessed unspeakable things, saw visions, went mad, and so forth. Lantern is an unmerciful principle, perhaps the one that does the most harm to the mind. It also provides great revelations, however, and many affected by it are now known as oracles or soothsayers. People touched by the unmerciful light have a tendency to hoard knowledge, and to obsessively study it, yearning for the same sort of revelations they saw during the apocalypse. When traveling through terrain touched by Lantern-light, it is important to remember not to look at the lights in the sky, not to read the writing on the walls, not to fall asleep. If one must sleep, one should not record their dreams, nor really think about them too clearly.