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The Fansus β

The Legion Lamentful

Those Caught In Between are the remnants of the myriad Dead, Know, and Long who were caught up in the Collapse and had their minds and bodies destroyed and molded together. They mourn what they are and yearn for what they may have become, they hoard that reminds them of now-irrelevant things, they are what death became. They are the myriad things that simply stopped when the twin Houses collided, the rituals that became purposeless, the tools that no longer had uses, the concepts that no longer hold meaning. They cannot let go of the past, they cannot let go of what happened to them. They are always eager to remember, and always eager to blame.

The Legion Lamentful
Origin Blood
Titles Those Caught In Between
Names That Ghastly Gentleman
Aspects Winter Moth
Date of arrival During the Collapse
Owner(s) A Blessed Feline





The Legion Lamentful usually appears as a swirling, ectoplasmic mass of vaguely humanoid figures seemingly fused together and oftentimes appearing to be fused with or growing out of the surrounding landscape. They most often resemble a thick, gelatinous liquid, but can appear to be made from stone, smoke, or other such substances. The fused humanoid figures oftentimes appear still from a distance, but as one comes closer, one most that they are in fact moving subtly, shifting and twitching with swirling eyes and lips that whisper and whisper without rest.




'The Phantom Plunderer:   12   12 Thief "Oh, it will be a delight working with you"

Temptations:   5   2 A tool or ingredient of 10 or higher in any aspect, consumed during the ritual

If the Phantom Plunderer rebels, he will attempt to steal an item of value, such as a tool, ingredient, or book. If he finds none, a Follower's sanity will suffice.


The Fansus

The Histories






