Search results
Create the page "Gesar and Gautama" on this wiki! See also the search results found.
Page title matches
- ...}) is a book from the Fansus timeline. The author was unknown in both name and number. The first volume of what is purportedly a chapter of the Epic of King Gesar, although inconsistent with any other versions.790 bytes (136 words) - 04:03, 8 August 2018
Page text matches
- ...change - manifesting as mirror images of a fox. The Mirror was shattered and thrown into Nowhere, but found the Truth in non-existence. ...oaching can sometimes see foxes of precious opal just beyond their vision, and hear their call, just slightly quieter than silence.2 KB (338 words) - 04:04, 8 August 2018
- ...}) is a book from the Fansus timeline. The author was unknown in both name and number. The first volume of what is purportedly a chapter of the Epic of King Gesar, although inconsistent with any other versions.790 bytes (136 words) - 04:03, 8 August 2018