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81 bytes removed, 03:21, 22 July 2018
Cassandra (SRN)
Troublemaker: Suspicion did not alight on such a high member of government easily. It rests there even less easily.</br>
Acquaintance: Cassandra has held her job for decades. Now she is little more than that.</br>
Believer: Law is a labyrinth , and it is thickest around Cassandra. This works very often to our advantage.</br>
Disciple: Cassandra possibly is not a person anymore, but whatever speaks in her name drips mystery using her tongue.</br>
The Occupant of Office 12: Nobody has seen Cassandra for months. But we We send her letters and occasionally find letters slipped under our doors.</br>Prisoner: Half The state of the government has fallen to anarchy with her disappearance. That concerns her far more than her own imprisonment.</br> 
=== Mitchell (Amets) ===
Troublemaker: He's a confusing sort, if pleasant.</br>

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