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The Millions-Upon-Millions

1,592 bytes added, 23:05, 21 November 2018
FNORD* [[The Piper]]: * [[The Firstborn]]: "Arrogant child. You must learn your place, or suffer."* [[The Weft]]: "..."* [[The Distinguished]]: "Child of the river, your sacrifice will bring you honour and fortune. I will ensure it."* [[The Prince Consort]]: * [[The Warp]]: "..."* [[The Hill Queen]]: "Stop being so selfish. And stop scaring the Gravedigger."* [[The Captain]]: "Voyager, traveler, friend."* [[The Instinct]]: * [[The Solemn]]: "Oh best beloved of those I call my children , your service does you credit. Am I worthy of your respect?"* [[Brother Grimalkin]]: "Don't play with your food. If not for your brother, my patience would have ended long ago."* [[Abbess Sunset]]: "Daughter! Stern and just, you are someone to be treasured."* [[The Skinner Box]]: "... no. You are worse than the Eye could ever be."* [[The Cantharide]]: "You idiot..."* [[The Stillwater]]: "Sends a shiver down my spines."* [[The Heart-Felt Fantasy]]:* [[The Gilded Insect]]: "Arsehole."* [[The Mechanism]]: "What ''are'' you? You were never alive."* [[The Dongolopticon]]: "Old friend. Your time came long ago. Come to me when you tire of your pleasures."* [[The World-Carver]]: "Your artistry is to be respected, but you do it only for yourself."* [[The Eye]]: "'''No.'''"* [[The Remnants]]: "End your stagnant cycle. And give me back my leg!"* [[The Millions-Upon-Millions]]: See: The Cycle* [[]]:* [[The Blight Abiding]]: "I hate having to mind-wipe newborn souls. Stop making me do it."* [[]]:* [[]]:* [[]]:* [[]]:* [[]]:* [[The Stillborn]]: "Why can't people just stay dead?"
[[Category:Hours (Vol. III)]]

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