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The Way-Light

975 bytes added, 16:59, 3 October 2019
The Way-Light is The Guide - He knows all the ways, he knows all the places. Even the most powerful locks and treacherous roads will bend in terror to his name. He has been known to appear as a charming, young white-haired gentleman and give the lost offers they cannot refuse. His antics around the Histories are not very well documented, but known.
Moth - for His trickster nature. Knock excessive meddling with humans has transformed him, in many ways - for He experiences emotions, ephemeral pleasures and even things such as love in the doors same way mortals do. He opens for you. Secret enjoys diving into the Histories and sneaking into various events, parties and functions - Or even just masquerading as a customer having cocoa on an old, unnoticed seaside coffee-shop. He places particular value on memories and experiences, as well as fleeting emotions. It is possible to strike deals with him for all he has seen favours, extra guidance or power, in exchange for prized memories, invitations to mundane (or half-mundane) gatherings, and knowneven simply inspiration. He is a strange, mercurial soul whose attention is difficult to grab, except in certain exceptional cases.

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