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The Architeuthian

44 bytes added, 16:16, 9 July 2018
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=== Ingredients ===
* '''Beak-Chitin'''({{Aspect|Forge|48}}): A small fraction of The Architeuthian himself. It exudes a power of integration, and of change.* '''A Message in a Bottle:''' ({{Aspect|Lantern|8}}): One could not find anything that more exemplifies the essence of The Architeuthian. The power lies in its secrecy, endurance, and the unknowing. Opening it releases that power.* '''Ink of Remembrance:''' ({{Aspect|Lantern|4}}): Squid’s ink, mixed with saltwater, and a drop of blood. The measurements must be precise, or it will just be a mess. Words written in the ink will never be forgotten.
=== Books ===

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