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The Peacock

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== Description ==
=== Appearance ===
The Peacock takes the appearance of a massive, scarlet peacock wearing a crown. It's most unusual and striking trait are on it's feathers, where instead of typical "eye" marks found on a Peacock are literal human eyes, which either track the viewer or swivel in their sockets with no apparent rhyme or reason. The Peacock claims to have an eye for every act of debauchery going on in the Histories at any moment. Wherever he goes, he is attended by throngs of Suitors and Suitresseshis Long, who caress his sides and constantly engage in depravities with one another.
=== Principles ===
[[The Revel Unending]] is the unofficial domain of the Peacock. Originally a series of massive chambers in the upmost section of the Upper Mansus used by all Hours, following the War of the Doors they were taken over exclusively by the Peacock and his Long and Dead followers have partied here endlessly in a perpetual haze of lust ever since. The chambers are filled with narrow staircases and large platforms. The humanoid minions of the Peacock dance and party on these platforms, while the aviform Long freely fly about the chamber singing the praises of the great bird. The further one ascends into the chamber, the more dangerous and depraved the revels become.
The lowest levels of the party feature traditional revels, and are attended mainly by Dead and dreaming Know. Middling levels are attended by the SuitorsMerrymakers, who engage in party "games" that take advantage of their increased durability and immortality. Upper levels are home to Long that engage in acts like cannibalism, fighting, and mutilation to experience higher sensation. Occasionally, a Long from this level throws themselves down from the upper levels to see how it feels when they hit bottom. If they survive, these dangerous Long tend to wreck havoc on their way back up from the bottom.
The Uppermost levels are home to the Peacock and his Names themselves, who plan for the day that the Young Upstart might once again stand dominant over the Upper House of the Serpent.
====The Young Man====
The Young Man, is many things. A hedonist. A artist. A playwright. A monster. A "collaborative work" between the Peacock and the Caladrius, this Name of the Peacock is but a vessel containing the accumulated essences of notable artisans and Know that the great birds could not bear to let die. For its many talents it has little identity of its own, mainly following orders and acting on the half-remembered impulses of the many once-great talents residing within its stitching. It largely remains confined to the Upper House with its master, leading the Suitors Merrymakers in their unending revels and charges against the other House. There are many ways to attain immortality in the games of the Hours. This is one of the less preferable ways.
====Iago the Honest====
====The Lady in Red====
Eat, drink, and be merry. The finest clothes, the finest foods, and the most pleasurable company. These are the things the Lady in Red treasures. Ever did the woman she was desire the finest in life, and ascension to the ranks of the Names has only deepened this hunger. An unparalleled beauty in a wide-brimmed red hat and dress, she is always seen smoking a cigar and engaging in some sort of earthly vice. The Lady is seductive and tempestuous, never staying in one place or favoring a particular paramour for long. Ever does she caress and whisper in the ears of influential dreamers, pushing them to follow the will of the Peacock. Hers are the addicts, those who are slowly consumed by their vices until it has engulfed them completely. Her Attendants Suitors are those who have grown bored of "mundane" pleasures, pursuing only the most exotic and perverted delights in the name of Peacock's lust.
There are many Long that serve the Broken-Bird, but only some of them are stolen from the other Hours. Those who have directly felt the touch of the Peacock come away with traits and abilities that mark them as unnatural even among the Long. Incredibly tantalizing and durable, they embody the Upstart's only desires, to indulge himself and to spread wherever he can, until only he and his remain.
====The SuitorsMerrymakers====The living embodiments of mob mentality, the Suitors Merrymakers live to party, flirt, and spread. Little of what they once were remains, offered so that they could revel forever in the sight of the great bird. They manifest as grinning, bleeding silhouettes. They are the most common form of Peacock's Long, and fill the bulk of the Revel Unceasing. What they lack in individuality, they make up for in endurance. Their "party games" take advantage of their difficulty dying to further explore sensation. Under the Young Man, they are the Peacock's shock troops in his ongoing war to reclaim the Upper Mansus, swarming and overwhelming otherwise superior opponents with sheer numbers alone.
====The Choirmen====
It takes many voices to fill a Choir, and there is always room for more. The Choirmen typically take the form of birds of a myriad of shapes and sizes, but they are all recognizable by their red coloration and beautiful songs. The most infamous form of Peacock's Long, they stealthily fly the Halls of the Mansus singing the Peacock's songs, which are known to lure Long away from their rightful masters' service and into the ranks of the lust-maddened Choir Unceasing. Their Maestro is the Honest, who from afar sings orders to them in the depths of the Wood, mesmerizing those that overhear them. Like vermin they can be found scattered everywhere, and are treated as a dangerous nuisance by the other Hours.
====The AttendantsSuitors====
In the depraved, hedonistic worship of the Hours of Grail, to be counted among the entourage of the Lady in Red is something of a twisted badge of honor. To be personally recognized by that most depraved of Names is to be acknowledge as possessing an appetite for debauchery that can no longer be sated by "common" pleasures. They are the most beautiful, the best dressed, the most cultured of the Peacock's names. But like their patron Name, beneath the cultured exterior hides an entirely different sort of beast. Savage and hungry, they lust for blood and debauchery to please their deadened senses. While they are as seductive as they are deadly, they are relatively few in number, for few are they who are able to commit to such a level of debasement. They are rarely seen outside the highest levels of the Revel, where most cannot tread and live. There are whispers, that they recruit from the ranks of highest society, egging on the cruelties of the idle rich and pushing events in directions that will breed debauchery and the degradation of society, so that the Peacock can more easily spread.

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