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The Synapse

334 bytes added, 10:55, 12 July 2018
* [[The Architeuthian]]:
* [[The Anaconda]]:
* [[Snake Tail with Appendages]]:Destroy the Mansus' structure? Great idea. Destroy the very possibility of rational organization? The worst idea ever. The Synapse acknowledges the prominence of the Tail within the Gods-From-Nowhere, but only begrudgingly: it approves its methods, but not its end goal.
* [[The Engine of Cycles]]:
* [[The Peacock]]:
* [[The Fanged Bramble]]:
* [[The Aged Bones]]:
* [[The Mendicant Without]]: The only Hour that the Synapse feels unmixed admiration for.
* [[The Anvil]]:
* [[The Deceiver]]:

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