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Unreal Geometries

1,866 bytes added, 16:27, 14 July 2018
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* Forge (Invokes the FNORDEngine of Cycles)
* Lantern (Invokes the FNORD)
==Forge Invocation==
FNORDWe call upon the Engine of Cycles* Forge 10: FNORDWe call upon the Engine of Cycles, who changes all that ends and begins. This is not what we seek. We will bend this to our will, and then we shall proceed.* Forge 5: FNORDWe call upon the Engine of Cycles, who ends that which will not change. All things of the Mansus are raw materials to the mind of the Engine of Cycles. This is yet another resource to be devoured. We can probably pass once it finishes its work.* Forge 1: FNORDWe call upon the Engine of Cycles, who preserves before it changes. The Engine of Cycles has been called the Hour of Revolutions, and it embodies the most brutal and destructive changes. But it might preserve us.* Forge Success: FNORDSafety in peril. We've travelled close behind grinding cogs and scalding clouds of steam to make it this far. We only need to continue a little ways further.* Forge Failure: FNORDAn impossible landscape! What we thought to be a tamed landscape has welled forth rivers of teeth and stairs of blood. We have to turn back.
==Lantern Invocation==
FNORDWe call upon the Architeuthian* Lantern 10: FNORDWe call upon the Dweller in Depths, who understands all that is forbidden. Many horrors beyond mortal comprehension float within the realm of the Dweller in Depths. If we push ourselves to our limits, we will understand this place.* Lantern 5: FNORDWe call upon the Dweller in Depths, who keeps the lore the Hours do not sanction. The Dweller in Depths hoards all things considered forbidden in the waking and dreaming world. He will probably aid us in traversing this.* Lantern 1: FNORDWe call upon the Dweller in Depths, who knows what is unknowable. The Dweller in Depths is the Hour of progression through evolution. If we vow to make it through or die trying, he might aid us.* Lantern Success: FNORDA simple puzzle. This place was inelegantly crafted, and some simple work has flattened it out to an understandable state. We press onwards.* Lantern Failure: FNORDThe mind shatters. This was not made expertly, but it still defies the mortal mind. Our eyes are thick with welling blood, now. Our only hope is to turn back.
[[Category: Threats]]
[[Category: Perils]]

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