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The Bright-Delver

1,712 bytes added, 09:55, 16 July 2018
* '''Coatl:''' Each feather glitters like a rainbow, and chimes like a silver bell. Let it wrap around your neck or waist, and it could be taken for a gaudy accessory.
* '''Bookwyrm:''' Each Bookwyrm has an abundance of wings, and no two have the exact same amount or coloration. Despite that, you can never claim that any one is more aesthetically pleasing than another.
* '''Librarian:''' They rifle through your books while idle, recategorizing and reshuffling them. On occasion, you find a new book and a letter on your desk advising you to read it.
* '''===Names=======Chanakaya, the Dancer-with-Swords====''“Now. What horror do we have to end?”''<br />Aspects: {{Aspect|Edge|12}}, {{Aspect|Heart|12}}; Deceiver<br />Temptations: {{Aspect|Winter|10}}, {{Aspect|Heart|2}}  '''Summon an utterly loyal Name of the Bright-Delver:''' The most faithful agent of the Delver, yet the one she favors so little, still stands guard to ensure his beloved master can dance ever-uninterrupted. Winter might show him a threat that could impede the Delver’s dance, and Heart show you are his friend in standing against it. He comes into being with flashes and lances of multicoloured light glancing off his sabres and twists and spirals and arcs, each action with a militant, beauty like a firework. He finishes his routine and smiles. “I’m sorry for the ostentation. The vīravidyā, it was always my first love.” His sabres dance and shimmer, never quite at ease. Very often you find them carving an almost musical pattern in the air, as he smiles a wistful smile remembering better times, yet one resolute in knowing he did what he had to. ====Actia, the Singer-of-Sunlight====''"I refuse to let sorrow color the future"''<br />Aspects: {{Aspect|Lantern|12}}, {{Aspect|Heart|12}}; Deciever<br />Temptations: Unsummonable  '''Actia:''' The Bright-Delver dances merrily in the depths of the sea, and Actia's fingers dance swiftly in [[The One Sanctum]] as she mediates between the Ministers. She uses her voice only to honor her patron with song. It has been said that Actia's curse is that she cannot hear her own song, but she laughs off such words. Actia's hair, teeth, irises, and nails are infused with the light of the Glory. She can be spotted easily in the dark, although her skin is the richness of shadows on a summer's day. She has been seen dancing with the Watchers in [[The First City]], and although she never minds people watching her, no one has ever seen her dance twice.
== Locations ==

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