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855 bytes added, 14:58, 20 July 2018
Astrologer: Basil keeps his eyes to the sun during the day, to the stars at night. Every week or so, he will come to us carrying what he had seen in the sky.</br>
Prisoner: Basil sits silently, occasionally tracing lines in the air.
=== Connor (Cyborg-Squid) ===
Troublemaker: A trail of unpayed library fines and dinner bills lead us to Connor.</br>
Acquaintance: Connor has read the most interesting books, and he cannot wait to tell you about them.</br>
Believer: Connor has begun a bit of writing on his own. He is humble and insists he isn't good at it, but his works brim with powerful truths.</br>
Disciple: Connor's works have been turned down by all but the most esoteric of publishers, and cannot be found in stores. His hands do not stop writing, and he rarely looks up from the page.</br>
Astrologer: Connor now claims to be able to tell a person's entire future based on an analysis of the spelling of their name. We are unsure as to whether he simply foretells the events, or makes them so. </br>
Prisoner: Connor begs, almost sobbing, for a pen, pencil, anything, please.
== Edge ==

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